
Teacher: Denise Huey


School Phone: (510) 300-1561

Course Title: Algebra I

Course Overview: Algebra I course is the first of a three-year College Prep sequence in the CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics).  It addresses the fundamentals of algebra: working with data, symbol manipulation, solving equations and inequalities, ratios and proportions, multiple-representations—equation, table, graph and situation, linear and quadratic functions and systems of equations.  This course aims to develop the problem solving approaches that will benefit a student in future math courses.

In addition to Algebra I, many first year students will enroll in Academic Numeracy. This course is designed to support students who have struggled with math skills in the past or who haven’t been taught key curricula; it will be taught to students concurrently with students in Algebra I so that students can stay on the appropriate college prep math sequence. Students in both math classes will be expected to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, create tables and graphs, interpret data, and use algebra to diagram and solve word problems using algebra.  Students will be expected to work cooperatively with other students and the teacher and communicate ideas clearly.

Graduation Portfolio Alignment/Leadership Skills: In the CPM Algebra 1 Connections course, you will be engaged in daily work that allows you to use and develop the 21st Century Leadership Skills that you will learn here at IA. The course is structured around core problems and investigations that build your ability to think critically and solve problems resourcefully.  During most lessons, students will be working in study teams on challenging, inquiry-based problems that encourage students to collaborate productively and manage projects effectively.  The investigations are often open-ended which allows students to express creativity and perseverance in mathematical problem solving.  In supporting students for the ES Benchmark Graduation Portfolio, students will be asked to regularly communicate effectively their mathematical understanding.

Grading System: You will be graded on an A, B, C, and N.C. (Not Complete) scale (IA does not issue D’s or F’s) for your assignments in our class. At the end of each grading term, I will review and evaluate your work using a rubric reflecting Impact Academy’s holistic grading system. You will be assessed on the following:
•    Application of Knowledge (50% of total grade)
o    Student notebooks will be assessed periodically.
o    Individual and group projects will be graded throughout the year.
•    Mastery of Knowledge (40% of total grade)
o    A short quiz will be given every week, during the Weds/Thurs class.
o    A chapter test will be given at the conclusion of each chapter.
•    College Work Habits: (10% of total grade)
o    Organization will be assessed; your notebook (with 3 designated sections) must be with you every day.
o    Timeliness: You must be on time each day.  If you have 5 or more unexcused tardies in a quarter, you will receive an NC for College Work Habits for that quarter. 
o    Homework will be assigned daily, and is due at the beginning of each class period.

Course Outline: - First semester
Chapter 1: Problem Solving
Essential Question: What are the tools available to get started on a complex problem? What is algebra?
Content: Interpret graphs using the coordinate plans. Data collection and analysis. Guess and check. Finding and generalizing patterns.

Chapter 2: Variables and Proportions
How can you generate equations from a given context?
Content: Combining like terms. Simplify algebraic expressions by using 0. Solving for x. Solving with proportional intuition.

Chapter 3: Graphs and Equations
What are the key steps in graphing an equation?
Content: Making the connection between graphs, equations, and tables.  Extending patterns using rules.  Using a graphing calculator.

Chapter 4: Multiple Representations
What characteristics of a situation will dictate the representation(s) that best displays the data?
Content: Linear equations to graphs and tables.  Seeing growth in different representations.  Graphing with an x-y table. Solving systems algebraically.

Chapter 5: Multiplication and Proportions
How does the multiplication of binomials relate to area in the algebra tiles context?
Content: Multiplying binomials and the distributive property.  Working with multi-variable equations. Setting and solving proportions.

Required Class Materials
•    Your Impact Planner
•    1.5” 3-ring binder
•    5 subject spiral notebook
•    sharpened pencils
•    erasers
•    blue or black pen
•    textbook

Homework is assigned EACH day and is due at the beginning of the next period.  Homework will be graded based on TIMELINESS and COMPLETION.  Please do all homework in pencil only.  You will correct homework in blue or black pen at the beginning of the next class.  In order to receive full credit all problems must be attempted, all work must be shown, all work should be organized and readable, and all work must be turned in on time.  Students are responsible to check their work and ask questions each day.  Late homework will only be accepted up and to the last lesson of a chapter and be given partial credit.  All homework assignments for the semester can be found at

Students receive participation points for attending class on time, bringing their materials (pencil, paper, textbook, etc.), participating in class, taking notes, and working on the warm ups.

Make-Up Work
You are responsible for getting the notes from a classmate and the assignment missed from me.  Make-up work will NOT be discussed during class time. Please make arrangements to remain a few minutes after class. If you are absent for a test, you must make an appointment with me to make up the test within five school days of the absence, or you will receive a zero.

Quiz System
Each Wednesday/Thursday, you will take a quiz covering the week’s material. If you do not receive full credit, you can take a revised version of the quiz either during office hours or during the following week’s quiz time. You may continue making up quizzes until you earn full credit.

The first time any student is caught cheating on a homework assignment, a quiz, or test, a ZERO will be given, and the student will be referred to the assistant principal for parent contact as well as further punishment. 

Whenever possible, I should be notified of any planned absences as soon as they are planned so the student can get work ahead of time if necessary. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all missing work is turned in. You can keep track of missing assignments on PowerSchool.

Office Hours: (I am also available upon request).
Mondays & Tuesdays: 3:15pm – 4pm

Class Expectations
In the first week of class, we will establish norms in the classroom that guide our behavior. However, The Big Three are norms that have already been established school-wide and are non-negotiable. Evidence of any of these will result in immediate detention:
1.    No electronics
2.    No food, gum, drinks, candy
•    If caught for gum, an immediate detention is given, and the student must stay after school to scrape 5 pieces of gum from my classroom. Failure to do so will result in a double detention and double the gum consequence.
3.    No hurtful language

Impact Academy is also strongly enforcing the following Behavior Management Plan steps:
1st Step = Verbal Warning
2nd Step = Documented Warning
3rd Step = Detention
4th Step = Double Detention
5th Step = Behavior Referral