Friday, May 20, 2011

Agenda for the week of May 16th and earlier

Hi! Sorry for the lag on the blog posts. Here's what we've done so far:

Agenda for the week of May 16th:

Monday, May 16th
ASWBAT review coding as a way to represent functions.
HW#53: #11-48 to #11-50

Tuesday, May 17th
ASWBAT review area and perimeter of rectangles and use these to represent functions.
HW#54: #11-54 to #11-59

Wednesday/Thursday, May 18th/19th
ASWBAT understand transformations of functions by moving them up and down.
HW#55: #11-60 to #11-65

Friday, May 20th
ASWBAT understand transformations of functions by moving them up and down, and derive their respected equations.
HW#56: #11-70 to #11-75

Agenda for the week of May 9th

Monday, May 9th
ASWBAT use functions to code and decode messages.
HW#49: 11-32 to #11-34

Tuesday, May 10th
ASWBAT review domain, range, and practice coding and decoding messages.
HW#50: Handout

Wednesday/Thursday, May 11th/12th
ASWBAT understand what a function is and begin to use function notation.
HW#51: #11-35 to #11-37

Friday, May 13th
ASWBAT use interval notation to describe the domain and range of functions.

Agenda for the week of May 2nd
Monday, May 2nd
(CST's - funky schedule)

Tuesday, May 3rd
ASWBAT understand what a function is by looking at a table, arrow map, and a graph.
HW#46: #11-4 to #11-10

Wednesday/Thursday, May 4th/5th
ASWBAT describe functions as a Function of Their Lives
HW#47: #11-11 to #11-15

Friday, May 6th
ASWBAT describe functions as a function of their lives (poster finish)
HW#48: #11-21 to #11-26