Thursday, December 23, 2010

Agenda for the week of Jan. 3rd


Monday, Jan. 3rd - Lesson 6.2.1 & Lesson 6.2.2
Objective: SWBAT solve a system of linear equations using substitution.
HW#49 - #6-61 to #6-66

Tuesday, Jan. 4th - Lesson 6.2.3 & 6.2.4
Objective: SWBAT solve systems of equations using the Elimination Method.
HW#50 - #6-71 to #6-76

Wednesday/Thursday, Jan. 5th-6th - Lesson 6.2.4 & 6.2.5
Objective: SWBAT choose which strategy to solve a system of linear equations.
HW#51 - #6-81 to #6-86

Friday, Jan. 7th - Lesson 6.3.1
Objective: SWBAT make connections between solving equations, graphing, proportional reasoning, manipulating expressions and problem solving.
HW#52 - #6-99 to #6-110


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Agenda for the week of Dec. 13th

Mon, Dec. 13th - Lesson 6.1.2
Objective: ASWBAT define variables and how to write and solve equations to solve word problems.
HW#45 - #6-16 to #6-21

Tues, Dec. 14th - Lesson 6.1.3
Objective: ASWBAT write equations from word problems. SSWBAT compare writing a single equation with one variable to writing a system of equations with two variables.
HW#46 - #6-26 to #6-31

Weds/Thurs, Dec. 15th/16th - Lesson 6.2.1
Objective: ASWBAT solve systems of equations using substitution.
HW#47 - #6-37 to #6-42

Fri, Dec. 17th - Lesson 6.2.2
Objective: ASWBAT examine how a solution to a system of equations relates to those equations and to a graph of those equations.
HW#48 - #6-50 to #6-55

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Agenda for the week of Dec. 6th

Mon, Dec. 6th - Chapter 5 Review
Objective: ASWBAT review all topics throughout the semester thus far.
HW #43 - Ch 5 Study Guide (You can download it HERE)

Tues, Dec. 7th - Chapter 5 Review
Objective: ASWBAT review all topics throughout the semester thus far.
HW #43 - Ch 5 Study Guide

Weds/Thurs, Dec. 8th / 9th - Ch 5 Test
Objective: ASWBAT do well on this assessment!
HW: None

Fri, Dec. 10th - Lesson 6.1.1
Objective: ASWBAT write and interpret mathematical sentences and will write equations from word problems.
HW #44 - #6-7 to #6-12

Monday, November 29, 2010

Agenda for the week of Nov. 29th

Mon, Nov. 29th - Lesson 5.1.5
Objective: SWBAT solve two-variable linear equations for one variable.
HW#39 - #5-49 to #5-54

Tues, Nov. 30th - Lesson 5.2.1
Objective: SWBAT write & solve a proportional equation based on a proportional relationship.
HW#40 - #5-67 to #5-71

Weds/Thurs, Dec. 1st/2nd - Lesson 5.2.2
Objective: SWBAT practice writing and solving proportions involving quantities taken from a variety of contexts.
HW#41 - #5-77 to #5-82

Fri, Dec. 3rd - Lesson 5.2.3
Objective: SWBAT apply their proportional understanding to solve an application problem.
HW#42 - #5-85 to #5-89

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Agenda for the week of Nov. 22nd

Monday, Nov. 22nd - Lesson 5.1.3
Objective: ASWBAT multiply expressions by using generic rectangles.
HW #37 - #5-27 to #5-32

Tuesday, Nov. 23rd - Lesson 5.1.4
Objective: ASWBAT solve linear equations that involve multiplication.
HW #38 - #5-39 to #5-44

Weds - Fri, Nov. 24th - 26th - NO SCHOOL! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Agenda for the week of Nov. 15th

Monday, Nov. 15th - Lesson 4.2.4
Objective: SWBAT apply their knowledge of the representation web to linear situations.
HW #34 - #4-96 to #4-106

Tuesday, Nov. 16th - Lesson 5.1.1
Objective: SWBAT identify factors of quadratics by dimensions of rectangles and be able to write the area of composite rectangles as a sum and a product.
HW #35 - #5-4 to #5-9

Wednesday/Thursday, Nov. 17th/18th - Lesson 5.1.2
Objective: SWBAT identify, use and describe the Distributive Property using algebra tiles.
HW #36 - #5-15 to #5-20

Friday, Nov. 19th - NO SCHOOL! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Agenda for the week of Nov. 8th

Monday, Nov. 8th - Lesson 4.2.1
Objective: SWBAT understand the meaning of 'point of intersection' for a system of linear equations.
HW#31 - #4-71 to #4-75

Tuesday/Wednesday, Nov. 9th-10th - Lesson 4.2.2
Objective: SWBAT write rules for systems of linear equations in a word problem context.
HW#32 - #4-80 to #4-84

Friday, Nov. 12th - Lesson 4.2.3
Objective: SWBAT solve a system of linear equations algebraically when both equations are in y=mx+b form.
HW#33 - #4-90 to #4-94

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Agenda for the week of Nov. 1st

Monday, Nov. 1st - Lesson 4.1.3
Objective: SWBAT connect linear geometric patterns with patterns in a graph.
HW: None

Tuesday, Nov. 2nd - Lesson 4.1.4
Objective: ASWBAT write a rule from a graph and write a rule from a table. SSWBAT create a pattern from a rule.
HW #28: #4-32 to #4-36

Wednesday/Thursday, Nov. 3rd/4th - Lesson 4.1.5
Objective: SWBAT apply their understanding of growth to new contexts to generate complete representations.
HW #29: #4-39 to #4-48

Friday, Nov. 5th - Lesson 4.1.6
Objective: SWBAT apply their knowledge of "m" as growth factor and "b" as Figure 0 or the starting value of a pattern to greate graphs without an xy-table.
HW #30 - #4-54 to #4-58

Monday, October 25, 2010

Agenda for the week of Oct. 25th

Monday, Oct. 25th
Objective: ASWBAT use class time to work on Molly's Manual.
HW: Molly's Manual - Final Draft due tomorrow, Oct. 26th

Tuesday, Oct. 26th - Lesson 4.1.1 & 4.1.2
Objective: ASWBAT understand all connections for a pattern: a graph, a table, a geometric presentation, and an equation. Specifically, ASWBAT identify the connections between the growth of a pattern and its linear equation by finding the algebraic rules relating the figure number of a geometric pattern and its number of tiles.
HW #25 - #4-3 to #4-7 (NOT #4-5)

Wednesday/Thursday, Oct. 27th/28th - Lesson 4.1.2 & 4.1.3
Objective: ASWBAT identify the connections between the growth of a pattern and its linear equation by finding the algebraic rules relating the figure number of a geometric pattern and its number of tiles. Students will also connect linear geometric patterns with patterns in a graph, specifically focusing on how a geometric pattern grows and how the size of Figure 0 can be determined from information in a graph.
HW #26 - #4-14 to #4-17

Friday, Oct. 29th - Lesson 4.1.4
Objective: ASWBAT identify rules for linear patterns using the y=mx+b form of a linear equation and understand the meaning and purpose of "m" and "b"
HW #27 - #4-21 to #4-25

Agenda for the week of Oct. 18th

Monday, Oct. 18th - Chapter 3 Review
Objective: ASWBAT review and present on a Ch. 3 topic in which they feel is the most difficult.
HW#21 - #3-100 to #3-104

Tuesday, Oct. 19th - Chapter 3 Test
Objective: ASWBAT work collaboratively on a group test.
HW: Molly's Manual - DUE Tuesday, 10/26
Click HERE for the Manual, and HERE for the Rubric

Wednesday/Thursday, Oct. 20th-21st - Manual Work Time
Objective: ASWBAT review Ch 3 Group Test & Work on Molly's Manual
HW: Molly's Manual - Rough Draft due Friday, Oct. 22nd

Friday, Oct. 22nd - Manual Work Time
Objective: ASWBAT use a peer revision process for their Manual rough drafts.
HW: Molly's Manual - Final Draft due Tues, Oct. 26th

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Agenda for the week of Oct. 11th

Monday, Oct. 11th - NO SCHOOL!

Tuesday, Oct. 12th - Lesson 3.2.1
Objective: ASWBAT practice their equation-solving skills and learn how to check their answer.
HW#21 - #3-73 to #3-77

Wednesday, Oct. 13th - FIELD TRIP! NO CLASSES!

Thursday, Oct. 14th - Lesson 3.2.2
Objective: ASWBAT solve equations with one solution, infinite solutions & no solutions.
HW #22 - #3-82 to #3-86

Friday, Oct. 15th - Lesson 3.2.3
Objective: ASWBAT solve equations through application, specifically through patterns.
HW #23 - #3-92 to #3-96

HEADS UP - Chapter 3 test is on Tuesday next week! Oct. 19th!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Agenda for the week of Oct. 4th

Monday, Oct. 4th - Lesson 3.1.5
Objective: ASWBAT complete a table & draw the graph, given a linear equation. SSWBAT graph fractional and decimal values, as well as quadratic equations.
HW#18 - #3-45 to #3-49. Bring graph paper, starting tomorrow!

Tuesday, Oct. 5th - Lesson 3.1.6
Objective: ASWBAT create xy-tables, scale axes, plot points and draw complete graphs given a linear or quadratic equation.
HW#19 - #3-55 to #3-59

Wednesday/Thursday, Oct. 6th/7th - Lesson 3.1.7
Objective: ASWBAT use graphs and rules to analyze a contextual situation with a limited domain. Students wil also larn how to identify common errors in scaling and plotting points.
HW#20 - #3-64 to #3-68

Friday, Oct. 8th - NO SCHOOL! :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Solving Equations Manual for Molly!

The assignment and the rubric can be found here.


This assignment is due on Sept 29th / 30th.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Agenda for the week of Sept. 27th

Monday, 9/27 - Chapter 2 Review
Objective: SWBAT evaluate expressions, simplify expressions, solve multi-step equations and solve problems using the Guess & Check strategy.
HW #15: CL#2-117 to CL#2-127

Tuesday, 9/28 - Common Interim Assessment (C.I.A.)
Objective: ASWBAT evaluate expressions, simplify expressions, solve multi-step equations and solve problems using the Guess & Check strategy.
HW: Finish writing activity from Monday

Wednesday/Thursday, 9/29-30 - Lesson 3.1.1 & 3.1.2
Objective: ASWBAT identify the rule for a pattern. SSWBAT identify the rule from a pattern and translate it into an algebraic expression.
HW #16: #3-5 to #3-8

Friday, 10/1 - Lesson 3.1.4
Objective: ASWBAT calculate output values for functions and plot points from an xy-table.
HW #17: #3-36 to #3-40

Monday, September 20, 2010

Agenda for the week of Sept. 20th

Monday, 9/20 - Lesson 2.1.8
Objective: SWBAT solve multi-step equations
HW #11: #2-78 to #2-81

Tuesday, 9/21 - Lesson 2.2.1
Objective: SWBAT solve problems using proportional reasoning
HW #12: #2-93 to #2-98

Wednesday/Thursday, 9/22-23 - Lesson 2.2.2
Objective: SWBAT SHARE proportional reasoning strategies to solve problems.
HW #13 - #2-102 to #2-107

Friday, 9/24 - Lesson 2.2.3
Objective: SWBAT use the part-to-whole relationship of proportional situations to make real world predictions.
HW #14 - #2-112 to #2-116

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Agenda for the week of Sept. 13th

Monday, 9/13 - Chapter 1 Group Test
HW: Bring signed textbook agreement form, paper bag & 1" binder

Tuesday, 9/14 - Lesson 2.1.1
Objective: SWBAT identify variables and simplify expressions by combining like terms.
HW #8: #2-6 to #2-11

Wednesday/Thursday, 9/15-16 - Lesson 2.1.2
Objective: SWBAT combine like terms to find the simplest expression to represent perimeter.
HW#9 - #2-17 to #2-21

Friday, 9/17 - Lesson 2.1.3
Objective: SWBAT combine like terms with positive and negative terms
HW#10 - #2-29 to #2-33

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homework #1

Please remember to bring your 5-subject spiral notebook to class every session. This first homework assignment will be on the first page of the fourth section of this notebook, as I've mentioned in class. Head the top of the paper with, "Homework #1 - Due Monday, August 30th."

Please also remember that you will spend the first five minutes of class correcting this homework assignment in blue or black pen. I will give you time to ask questions if you were confused on any of these problems.

If you have further questions on this assignment, please drop by my office hours. They are Monday and Tuesday after school until 4pm.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mathography Assignment

Due: Wednesday/Thursday, August 25th / 26th

Write a letter about yourself that will help your teacher get to know you as an
individual, addressing each of the general topics below (in bold). Choose a few of the
suggested questions to get you started.

About You: By what name do you like to be called? What are your interests, talents,
and hobbies? What are you proud of? With whom do you live? What languages do
you speak? When is your birthday? What are you like as a member of a team? In
what ways are you excited about working in a team? In what ways are you nervous
about it?

You as a Math Student: Describe your memories as a math student from
kindergarten until now. What experiences in math have you liked? Why? How do
you feel about taking Algebra? Have you ever worked in a team in a math class
before? What kinds of math do you imagine yourself doing in Algebra class?

This assignments is worth 4 points in the Application of Knowledge grade. 1 point will be deducted for every day late this is turned in. If this assignment is not turned in within 4 days of the due date, a zero is earned.